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Special K and Sinister C, Flaxton Ptooch Opening Night June 1 2017.

c wstubbs
gold for blog

have you seen her?  Well, no, not the golden center of an MRI scan of a rocknroller buddhists brain, but the artist known as  K Griffin

Katherin Griffin I’m talking. The work Katherine creates is a little bit beautiful and magical and a much needed fantastical escape for the senses. I could say with a smattering of dark undertones that ground us in the day to day sublime of existence but then that would sound like some kind of artsy word salad, and I will be having none of that. thanks.

Check out

In just over a week, Kaz and I will be joining forces and bringing our world of colour and beautiful ideologies the  to Flaxton Ptooch gallery in NWS.

PV June 1st from 7pm, show runs until July 3rd.  NW5 2JT

But more than skulls and cats w be.

Cats and skulls are fine fodder for the internet, but also on display will be the recent politically inspired posters to put in your front room bed-sit.


Like the above mentioned  cunt waffle for example.

Many of these posters (a bakers dozen)  now seem tragically out of date, made a mere less than hundred days ago.  Now I am nearly looking back fondly on the fact that the worst thing POTUSatire had done was gone on about casually raping women, seems like the good ole days now that billions have been secured to the Saudi Arabian military lets kill everyone party exchange.  Oh happy days.

Or John Peters, one of the first pilots to be paraded on Iraqi TV as a POW…


So, get your big boots and your dancing shoes on. Join the Special K and I-Sinister C, for an opening night to support the arts, let down your hair, raise a glass to the little people.

Much love.


(That’s country and western if you don’t know my name)



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