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Resonance FM tonight.

c wstubbs

Tonight on Resonance 104.4 FM at 10:30pm join me in an episode of ‘Art Then and Now’ titled ‘Nasty Women’. An interview with yours truly about my artistic process, the fallacy of the perfect mother, internalized misogyny, mental health and of course protesters and pussies.

It’s a little bit raw.

The radio website is: and just click ‘Art Then and Now’ to live stream at 10:30. It will be available to stream anytime after January 20th.

@annagammansart and @resonancefm @cwstubbs23

The official blurb..

A discussion of art from the past and the present with Anna Gammans. This week: Nasty Women. Anna interviews artist Charlotte Westmoreland Stubbs about the female experience and the importance of making art that documents all facets of it. Plus there’s some ‘Art in the News’. To view any images discussed or to get in touch visit [Repeated Monday 2.30pm.]



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