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Drone War Babies By CW STUBBS

c wstubbs

Oil on canvas

100 cm by 100 cm

Three children surrounded by a swarm of drones represent current western points of crisis; the Environment, the Virus and Mental Health. The painting depicts a climate of mounting fear and misinformation, of quarantine and isolation, privacy violation and false truths normalised for the next generation.

CWSTUBBS is self-taught artist living and working in East London. Originally a large-scale video artist, her images were routinely projected on a massive scale at underground raves and on the international club scene.

CW has supported her art by making documentaries and working with young people excluded from school. Her imitable work has led to exposure in galleries and in group shows including the inaugural Nasty Women show, as well as awareness campaigns and many albums covers.

From MRI brain scans, apocalyptic children and botanical skulls, Charlotte brings beauty and vibrancy to subjects that are often disturbing or uncomfortable. Her love of colour, interest in social justice and current affairs, and the human condition informs much of her subject matter as do her terrifying dreamscapes. Her celebratory use of colour, vividly captures flash points of protest, death, politics and mental health.  Charlotte is a member of UK COLAB.


10 SEP - 10TH OCT

Launching this Thursday 10th September - my second oil painting this century, created especially for this exhibition is available to view and purchase along with a limited run of only 20 prints via the ukcolab website or the chopperchunk gallery site.




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Copyright.© All Copyright is retained by the artist, CWSTUBBS, for originals, commission work and prints. Images must not be resold or reproduced without the artist`s written permission.

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